Best Allotments


Judge’s Report

This report sets out the results of the 2017 competition for the best Willingham allotment and the best newcomer (three years or less) allotment.

All plots on both sites (Westmeadow and School House Yard) were inspected on several occasions throughout the year.

The first general point to register is that there has been a clear rise in the overall standard of plot keeping and production over the last 12 months. Both sites have improved in appearance overall and there is abundant evidence of fresh energy and interest from new plot keepers.

Over the last few years I have been delighted to see the allotment holders pull together and more importantly support the Combined Charities in what we are trying to do.

Best Allotment

This year’s competition for best allotment was an extra-ordinarily tight contest between two exceptional plots. Both plots 1 and 6 at School House Yard have regularly produced crops of outstanding quality and range.

Trophy Winner:           Plot 6, School Yard.         Mr and Mrs Yau

A meticulously cared for plot … this allotment has been constantly tended and rotated to produce a regular flow of very fine crops, including some unusual varieties. This is the allotment to look at to see what can be achieved with TLC.

Second place and especially commended:     Plot 1, School House Yard.     Mr and Mrs Pullar

Last year’s winner but this time just pipped at the post.   A highly productive double plot, always well organised and with an impressive range of top-quality vegetables, fruit and flowers throughout the growing season.

Best Newcomer

Best newcomer:   Plot 12, Westmeadow Close.  Mr Pete Cornish

A treble plot (!) tackled with enormous energy and enthusiasm to produce a plentiful supply of good quality traditional allotment vegetables on a well-managed, tidy site that can only improve as the obvious investment in long term planning pays off.


Best Allotment

Trophy Winner: The double plot 1 & 2, School Yard. (Mr and Mrs Pullar)
A superb range of top quality and beautifully cared for vegetables, soft fruit and Autumn flowers. Congratulations.

Second place: Plot 8, School Yard. ( Mr and Mrs Yau)
A very interesting variety of crops grown in well-organised and frequently rotated beds. Not even a weed seedling in sight!

Favourable Mentions:
• The double plot 17/18, Westmeadow. An impressively wide range of colourful and productive planting. (Mr Mike Few)
• Plot 6 School Yard. A sensibly organised starter plot with some rewarding results. (Mr and Mrs Mason).

Best Newcomer

It was felt best to hold over the Newcomer Award until next year and perhaps alter the criteria.