
The allotments are provided as a service for the village and as a source of additional income for the charity. There is around 0.75 acres at the School Yard allotments on Church Street.

School Yard Allotments

The Westmeadow allotments on Over Road are much larger, covering around 2.75 acres.

Aerial View of Westmeadow Allotments


Overhead View of Westmeadow Allotments

Aerial drone photographs kindly provided
by Tom Jacobs of OrbitalFilming

Annual Competition

Since 2016, we have held a competition for the Best Allotment and Best Newcomers Allotment (newcomers being those who have been tending allotments for 3 years or less).

All plots on both sites (Westmeadow and School Yard) are automatically entered for the competition unless the plot holder specifically asks for their plot(s) not to be considered.

The criteria used for judging are as follows:

  • Range of produce and plants grown
  • Quality of produce and plants grown
  • Organisation and management of site throughout the year
  • Tidiness and weed control.

The plots are regularly visited throughout the year by an independent judge. The winners are announced and trophies presented at the Willingham Horticultural Show in September.